DKComputeShader 101
1. Get the ComputeCommandQueue from the Device
for sure
2. Prepare the Gpu resources
1. Texture
Texture usage decription should has one of these flags.
Texutre Decriptor Example
1 DKTextureDescriptor texDesc = {};
2 texDesc.textureType = DKTexture::Type2D;
3 texDesc.pixelFormat = DKPixelFormat::BGRA8Unorm;
4 texDesc.width = w;
5 texDesc.height = h;
6 texDesc.depth = 1;
7 texDesc.mipmapLevels = 1;
8 texDesc.sampleCount = 1;
9 texDesc.arrayLength = 1;
10 texDesc.usage = DKTexture::UsageStorage // For Compute Shader
11 | DKTexture::UsageSampled | DKTexture::UsageShaderRead; // For Fragment Shader
12 textureTarget = device->CreateTexture(texDesc);
2. Shader
In DKGL2, we use same class for all type of shaders.
1. LoadResourceData From the resource path
1 DKObject<DKData> computeShaderData = resourcePool.LoadResourceData("shaders/ComputeShader.comp.spv");
2. Create Function from data above step
3. Prepare Uniformbuffers and BindSet
4. Prepare the Pipeline
Ususally compute shader need only setting for compute function. Set the shader function to the Pipeline Descriptor
5. CommandBuffer Encoding
1 DKObject<DKCommandBuffer> computeCmdbuffer = computeQueue->CreateCommandBuffer();
2 DKObject<DKComputeCommandEncoder> computeEncoder = computeCmdbuffer->CreateComputeCommandEncoder();
3 if (computeEncoder)
4 {
5 if (computebindSet)
6 {
7 computebindSet->SetTexture(0, texture);
8 computebindSet->SetTexture(1, targetTex);
9 }
10 computeEncoder->SetComputePipelineState(computePipeLine);
11 computeEncoder->SetResources(0, computebindSet);
12 computeEncoder->Dispatch(width / 16, height / 16, 1);
13 computeEncoder->EndEncoding();
14 }